Friday 18 September 2015

The Awesome Privilege of Choice!

..... "..... Therefore choose life ..... loving the Lord your God, obeying HIS voice and holding fast to HIM, for HE is your life and length of days, that you may dwell in the land that the Lord swore to your fathers..... " (Deuteronomy 30: 26-28)

Hello dearies! Indeed today is a good day! Yes today is an awesome day to be alive!  God be Praised!

I Pray y'all are good and blessed.

I wanna share with you, the awesome privilege of choice that God has Blessed us with. Yes, again I say, the awesome privilege of choice, and it is indeed a blessing. :)

People often ask me, Adeola, you seem to have no issues, no problems, you are always happy! Lol! Well, the true reality is that I do have challenges, I do have times of "it could be better", times of expecting blessings, answers that tarry a bit. Times, when the outcomes are absolutely different from expected, totally unpalatable.

But then, what do I do in those seasons, I CHOOSE!

Rather than be upset, I CHOOSE to be Happy, rather than lose faith, I CHOOSE to Trust and Believe in God's promises to me "that all things work together for my good, for it will get better (Romans 8:28)! Rather than cry over mistakes, I CHOOSE to see it as a lesson learnt and CHOOSE to move on. 

Rather than wait, I CHOOSE to make the first move and another and another and another if need be. Rather than get upset with that person, I CHOOSE to make excuses for them and CHOOSE to give LOVE (after all, they are going through their own stuff and probably do not understand yet the awesome privilege of CHOICE that God has given us!) Besides, who is perfect? We are all working to be better everyday. 

Most importantly,  rather than give up, I CHOOSE to Live Life Awesomely.

Believe me, it is not always easy. Many times, I am Happy (not! lol!), many times I have been hurt, many times, friends and family say nice (not) things, many times, I don't get my desired outcome(s)

Then I remember, how much God Loves me and mine! I remember also, that HE gave me the awesome privilege of CHOICE! I remember that I create my outcomes with my CHOICES, Then I CHOOSE to forge ahead, yet again, and again, based on my desired outcome!

GOD CHOSE to Love Us, regardless of how faithful (not) we have been, how much more us HIS magnificently crafted beings to our fellow magnificently crafted beings! :)

Life is a journey, an experience of choices we make every second, the earlier we CHOOSE to enjoy this awesome journey of Life, the better the quality. Yes, there will be storms (blessed rain), yes there will be mountains (stepping stones/launching pads to soar), yes there will be mistakes (lessons learnt), but the difference is that we CHOOSE!

So, would you CHOOSE to CHOOSE the awesome privilege of CHOICE that God has blessed us with? Selah.

Enjoy your awesome weekend darlings, and remember, you have the awesome privilege of CHOICE. Shalom.

..... stay encompassed in God's Love. It's the most ecstatic place to be! ..... Shalom!


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