Saturday 6 July 2013

Half Year Check....ReStrategising....

…….Daniel 2: 21 He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding

…….Proverbs 3:5-6 (Abridged) I Trust in the Lord with all my heart, and I lean not on my own understanding; In all my ways I acknowledge Him, and He directs my paths….

Time Sure Flies! I can’t believe it’s been a month since my last post! Where on earth did time go? Wasn't it just a few days ago that we ushered in 2013? It can’t be half year yet! There’s still so much to do!

You can’t keep rushing off like that 2013! What about the plans we made together? The places we planned to visit? The people we planned to call/visit? The Business we planned to start? The loads of money we planned to make? The weight we planned to lose? *wink*wink*….LOL!

Ok, so now we are in July, and my to do list is yet to move an inch. In fact, I’m still thinking of how to go about number 1 on the list! Whew! I’m sure you feel me.

Are we on the same page? Still battling to achieve number 1? Or you may have managed to get to number 3 on your list? Or probably at its end? Or maybe you don’t even have a list, but decided to take one day at a time? The fact is, no matter how many lists we make or how many plans we have; it’s never too late to begin!

May I ask a few questions? Who set these time limits we adhere to? On whose standards have we prepared this list of ours? Who decided what’s to come first or last?  Who says it is too late to start on our list? Who says 12 months is enough to even finish number 1 on our list!

Maybe I should have done this? Maybe I shouldn't have said that? If only I had money, I would have started that business? If only I had a first class, maybe I would have landed a better job! If only I had not turned him down, I would have been married by now....if only…if only…..

Stop right there! You need to stop badgering yourself! (Yes! You! You need to stop badgering yourself!...Lol!)

I’m yet to get halfway on my list and the year is almost over so what? That doesn't mean I’m a failure. I may have procrastinated a bit, but then, there’s a reason for cycles. Be it a 24 hour day? A 7 day week? A 4 week month? A 3 month Quarter? A 6 month half year?..... I always have another chance to begin again! (Even though that’s not reason not to get up and go when need be)

What next then?

I’m dusting my list and going back to God (yes, the one who created me and knows my life script!) It’s definitely impossible to go on life’s journey without going to Him first! And believe me; you’d rather want to start with Him. It makes the journey smoother I dare say. Not without bumps though, but with pointers on how to navigate them better!

Come to think of it? That may have been the reason for all the stops, delays and detours! Didn't ask God, the way maker for directions right? Well, It’s never too late you know. He made us. He knows all. He is in our thoughts to the very core of our beings. He is the Almighty God! He is ALL in ALL. No matter what stage of stock taking we are in, now is the next time to start all over again with Him. He sees, hears, knows and can do everything anyway, so who better to direct us on Life’s awesome journey?

Dear God, Yes I drew up that “to do” list without first deferring to you. Yes I embarked on that Business without first asking you! Yes I started that project without first seeking your face! Yes I started dating him/her without asking you first (**rolling eyes**……***big grin***). Yes I compromised (a trifle little…*covering my face**!) just because I wanted to keep my job! Yes! I almost want to strangle him/her anytime our paths cross; I mean can anybody be more annoying?! And yes I……em can we quit listing them all? You know everything anyway.

So, Dear Merciful Father in Heaven, I come back again to you, with a contrite spirit and a willing heart I’m sorry Abba Father, can we start again? At least one new cycle begins today! A new day perhaps? Or even a new half year! What should be number 1 on my list? Seeking your direction in all things? Check!

How about that million pounds and that pamper holiday in the Bahamas? Can I have it now?....Lol!

It’s never too late to start again. Just Trust, Believe and Go! (I sure need to hear that more than anyone…Lol!)

Keep Soaring as High as U dare, for You are a gem, intricately woven by God.... :)