Sunday 13 September 2015

God's Steadfast Love, Indeed, It Never Ceases!

..... "It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness....." Lamentations 3:22-23(KJV)

Hello dearies, how are we today? It is an Awesome Sunday innit?  A Beautiful Day to be alive.

Today, I simply want to remind us of the awesomeness of God's Love. How amazing! 

Often times we get so carried away, focused on the seeming challenges we go through. Yet we forget that but for God's awesome Love that preserves and sustains us, we will not even have those challenges to worry about in the first place! Ironic isn't it?

We have the breath of life in our lungs! Our eyes blink open! Food on our table (even if it is one meal, at least we had one) A roof over our heads, a mat (bed) to lay on! The sun on our skin, the wind ruffling through our hair! Water to drink! Friends, Family, Colleagues to relate with. A Husband/Wife to Love (or even bicker, with, lol!) Excited voices of our awesome children (born and soon to be born). 

Yes there are issues and bills to take care of, but hey? there is hope for tomorrow! We will get there! In fact, better to Praise through the journey, than be miserable. Indeed Let Every(one)thing that hath breadth Praise the Lord (Psalm 150:6) for ALL things work together for our Good! (Romans 8:28)

How about choosing this week to pause, ponder and count the little blessings in our lives! Rather than complain, why not thank God instead? rather than respond to that person in anger, why not give a smile? rather than complain about that issue, how about thanking  God for solution that will surely come. 

Our God is an awesome God, His Love transcends the Heavens and the Earth. Can we simply rest and bask in this knowledge this new week?

Have an awesome blessed and favored week ahead folks, surely, we will have numerous things to bless God for. 

..... and remember to keep basking in God's awesome Love ..... It's the most blissful place! Shalom

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!! Thank you for this reminder that God's mercies and love are enough for us. I will this in mind while praising Him all the way. S


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