Sunday 9 June 2013

I Got the POWER!

......Philippians 4:13: "I Can do all things through Christ Who Strengthens Me"

Hello Everyone, I Pray all is well with you.

How was your week? and the weekend? Hope You managed to get some rest? 

For me, rest was quite elusive. After attending an all night praise, worship and prayer programme on Friday till the early hours of Saturday, barely having 2 hours to take a nap, and having to jump out of bed afterwards, to attend a development talk, taking my kids to a birthday party, Church on Sunday among other things and of course rushing off to my 9-5 tomorrow, Monday (more like 8am to 7pm..**sigh**), then God help me!

My first blog post was on Friday, 3 days ago. Since then I'v still been trying to figure out why I started this blog, and believe me till this moment, I'm no closer to an answer. In fact a few minutes ago I said excitedly to my Husband that I was about to start writing my next post. He asked me what my blog was about and I simply couldn't respond!

What I do know however, is that this is for a purpose. As I said in my last post it took me ages to take up the courage to even start in the first place! And now that I'v begun, I feel so much excitement simmering within me (with some trepidation I must say! Lol!) This is really going to be exciting! So much to learn from one another so much to share. A true discovery journey.

Another thing I need say also is that I'm more inclined towards the Female folk :) . Don't blame me though, after all I am Female. But the male folk are also welcome. We can learn a lot from each other.

Today, I'm inclined to share a post from a friend's face book page that inspired and touched me:  

"The actor, Sylvester Stallone was once so broke and homeless. He slept on the New York streets and bus stations with his dear dog. Unable to feed the dog and to survive, he had to sell the dog at a liquor store, to a stranger. Sadly, with tears in his eyes, he sold it at $25 only. That night he stayed up crying.

One day, after watching a Muhammed Ali fight, it inspired him to write a movie script called “Rocky”. Hungry and tired, he stayed awake dripping sweat; blood and tears for days just to finish it up. It was a fantastic script!

He tried to sell the script and got an offer for $125,000 for the script. But he had just ONE REQUEST. He wanted to STAR in the movie. He wanted to be the MAIN ACTOR, Rocky. But the studio said NO.

They wanted a REAL STAR. They said he "Looked scraggy and talked funny". Even though hungry, he left with his script.

After a while, the studio agreed knowing that he won't compromise, they gave him $35,000 for the script and allowed him to star in it! 

The movie Rocky shook Hollywood, the Oscar Awards and was even inducted as one of the greatest movies ever! And do you know the first thing he bought with the $35,000? 

The Dog. This is a story of persistence, loyalty and dreams.

I can relate to this story for I have been in such position. In the heat of a lot of needs, I couldn't explain to my family why I kept turning down employment jobs as a fresh graduate to start a business at zero capital. I was either stupid or I knew what I had and wanted. Today, businesses grow by depending on our business.To grow, I've realized that diamonds come from pressure, its gem comes from friction. The harder the life, the stronger you'll become. The stronger you become, the easier the life will be. Keep going, further ahead" .

The fact is, as humans, we can do anything we purpose in our hearts. The first thing is we must determine that we can, secondly, we must commit and persevere, third, we must realize that it's only a matter of time and there will be a shift (whether for the better or otherwise it's up to us!) and of course most importantly we must commit all to our creator, God Almighty, for strength, wisdom and direction. He is all in all afterall and He has empowered us thus!

I don't claim that I'm all that yet, neither am I as pushy as I would have liked, not at all, but lately, I'v realized that If I don't make a move, a step at a time regardless, nothing will shift! 

Will you promise yourself that you will take that micro step today? Have a Blessed week ahead and....

Keep Soaring as High as U dare..for You are a gem, intricately woven by God.... :)

Credits: The Holy Bible: New King James Version 

Friday 7 June 2013

One BIG Step!

So, finally I take the bold step......***sigh****. 

Not that I'm fully convinced though. I mean, for all this time that I've had the  frights about  starting my very own bog .... it can't be that easy to simply swim the tide now can it? In fact, I'm still wondering if this is good idea. 

A blog? Splattering my thoughts out there for everyone to  read?!  What would I write? What do I know? What if no one is interested in whatever gibberish I have to  say?  What if?......what if?!........I can feel the goosebumps all over me at the mere thought...almost like a horror movie!..Lol!.

Countless questions, almost no answers........hmmmmm

Well, regardless though, I'm grabbing the bull by the horns. No matter how long the night may be, daylight must surely show up, right? So, here  I am, in your face, doing one of the things I dread most...starting a blog!

What I'm going to blog about? Sincerely I don't have a clue. So we're just going to take one post at a time, yes? God help me.

This is indeed going to be an interesting discovery journey. For me anyway......wanna join in the ride?.....;)

...........Yes, I'm a gem, 
Intricately Woven by God....(and so are you).... :)