Friday 13 December 2013

The SUPERrintendent!

….and I am reminded, that God is with me and mine always, even unto the end of the world…. (Mathew 28:20b – adapted)

Hi people! Nobody missed me?.... :( Na wa oh, and I was beginning to think I had started making some impact…. Hmmmm…*deeeep sigh!... ok oh. Soon, hopefully… :)

Anyways, recently I started getting very miffed that a lot of movies seemed to often portray God as a janitor or handyman  (Bruce Almighty, The Fall…etc) and I really got flipping upset! I mean how could they? The Almighty Omnipotent King of Kings? Creator of the whole universe? Naa! It simply didn't gel with my revering heart.

As I struggled with that stereotype in my mind, I asked aloud for the umpteenth time…. “Why must God always be portrayed as a Janitor?” and this time I got an answer;

“He has ALL the Keys”  my dear husband said from somewhere behind me! And it clicked! God is indeed the janitor of our life! How could I have missed that?!

Days after mulling repeatedly over this new revelation, I knew I just had to share this. Lives will be touched hopefully… :)

“A Janitor is said to be ‘a caretaker or doorkeeper of a building”. Synonyms are listed as caretaker, custodian, porter, concierge, steward, warden, watchman, cleaner, maintenance man, superintendent, (I kinda love the sound of that... :)

So what has that got to do with God you may ask? I could go on and on if you let me, but here are just a few points:

- The Janitor works behind the scenes: so how many times do you run into the Janitor? Yet He does clean up after you. Sometimes we leave things in disarray, intuitively knowing that the Janitor would sort it and He does! That’s how God is to us. We don’t see Him, yet we feel Him. Sometimes we do stuff, knowing He will just sort us out and He does all the time, when we put all our trust in Him

- The Janitor shows up only when he’s truly needed: so does the Janitor have a desk in the front office? Or is he in the office next door? Come to think of it, where exactly does he hang out when he’s not working? But He’s just a call away right? Just like our Father in Heaven. All we just need to do is call unto Him, ask Him, cry to Him and He shows up when He’s indeed needed.

- The Janitor our cleaner: Yes indeed. He cleans up after all our messes, he takes out our trash, and he puts everything in disarray back in place. In fact sometimes we leave a stray piece of paper, just because at the back of our mind we know the Janitor is gonna clean up after us. That’s just the way God takes care of us, whether or not we’re aware. Remember that fib you told and got away with? Remember that speeding ticket you were supposed to get but got off with barely a smile? Remember the gas cooker you left on all day and your house didn't go up in flames? Remember all those little or not so little near misses? Remember the car that took an extra five minutes to start and just because of that you missed that accident? Remember that cut you didn't actually take care of that healed anyway? Remember that raise you didn't actually work for? Think about all the seemingly ‘lucky’ happenings? The list is endless!

- The Janitor Has All the Keys: so you lost your keys and can’t get in? He’s got all the spares! Can’t you just remember that large ring that has sooo many keys? Lol! And He always knows which fits which door! Just like our dear God. He holds all the keys to our life’s issues! Imagine losing your keys and all you had to do was call the Janitor to bring his key rings, wait for Him to arrive and open the door with just the right key at one try? If only we would just quit stressing ourselves and simply call on God and wait for Him to surely bring the right keys (if only waiting was easy :)

- The Janitor Sees All: of course He does! He has the keys to every room right? Even the rest rooms and the drawers especially and He is in there even when we are not! In fact He better cleans when we are not there to get in the way! That’s our God. He sees and knows all. Even those things we think we do in secret are all so clear to Him. Yet He still loves us and His mercy transcends all. Just try Him and you’d see!

- The Janitor the Superintendent: doesn't that give a warm feeling? A Superintendent! That’s like some Uniformed Military General with strong able arms to protect us from all danger! An Administrator, An Overseer. In charge of everything! To sort out the issues of our lives for us! Isn't that wonderful? God has indeed got our back in all things, how about just committing to Him.

- The Janitor we never remember to thank: hmm, sore point there. So with all the things the janitor does for us, cleans, maintains, takes out our trash, makes sure broken stuff is fixed, among a million other things, how many times have we said a little thank you? Or even given him as little as a thank you smile? Minimally paid (usually the least paid) yet he keeps at his job without fail. That is our God. He does so much for us yet we don’t ever remember to say thank you. He saved us in exchange for His son, yet we take Him for granted. He watches over us, He provides for us, His Love, His Mercy matchless in Heaven and the Earth, yet our non gratitude doesn't stop Him.

It’s never too late though. His arms are ever open and He is always ready to help, regardless. So, how about that long overdue whisper of thanks to the Superintendent of the Whole Universe, at least you have the privilege of reading this… :) 

Keep Soaring as High as U dare, for You are a gem, intricately woven by God.... :)