Monday 11 August 2014

...I'm Sorry.....

Hello People! How have y’all been? It’s been ages I know, I haven’t checked in here in a long while, so I guess It is in order if I say Happy New Year?... lol

Let me begin with an apology. I am so so sorry! I mean, I haven’t posted anything on here since last December! (*covering my face*) And I have so badgered myself! (I do that a lot and it’s got to stop! – badgering myself that is…J )

Yes, I am indeed sorry, because you know; I started this blog following an instruction. I did not just wake up suddenly to decide to blog oh. It was a clear instruction, from the Most High, but see me, being so lazy and not posting nada.

Hmm, actually, not lazy really, I'v just been so caught up with so many events and activities. Yes. We all do. We get so choked up with “other things” that we don’t get around to our God given assignments. We lose sight of our God given vision and then complacency sets in. As time goes on, we settle into our comfort zone, and all the excuses start flowing. In fact after a while, we don’t need the excuses anymore! Yes! I am very guilty of that! What with a very demanding full time job, managing Husby and Treasures…. J  among other things, Whew! Even the best organizer/planner/multi tasker would have had a hard time! So please forgive me, I am back and better by God’s infinite grace.

However, there is another little problem. I can’t think of what to write! Yes, nada!nit! nothing! Despite all the activity and drama in my life this year not even a thing comes to mind. Well, that's not actually true. Several things does come to my mind, but I just can’t seem to form them into something coherent.  Nothing seems to flow from my brain through my fingers to be put in black and white. 

I am not a writer, but is this how it feels to have a writer’s block? It’s funny though, because not too long ago, I was almost bursting with words in my head begging to be put on paper! Now here I am, @ I:18am, after staring at my computer  everyday for hours on end for the last few days, still nothing comes to mind L

Wow. This is indeed a new experience oh. I have never been short of words! (well, when I really need them) 

But write I must! Because I have made myself accountable, and accountable I must be!  (I will tell you all about being accountable in another post)

Anyways, it’s good to be back. At least I have broken the jinx of not posting anything in almost eight months! Wow! (shame on you devil! )

Don’t worry, in a few days, I will be back up and running…. (*widegrin*)

In the mean time, try not to be fixated on all the drama and turmoil that seems to be going on all around the world right now, rather fix your gaze on God. HE is the only stability in this life of ours, the only safe haven.

As we proceed into this awesome new week, do stay safe under the Covenant Blood of Christ and don’t you ever forget …… you are a masterpiece, a rare gem, lovingly and intricately woven by God J


PS: RD, SistaB, SistaLiz, I Love you all! *wink* *wink* J