Friday 13 December 2013

The SUPERrintendent!

….and I am reminded, that God is with me and mine always, even unto the end of the world…. (Mathew 28:20b – adapted)

Hi people! Nobody missed me?.... :( Na wa oh, and I was beginning to think I had started making some impact…. Hmmmm…*deeeep sigh!... ok oh. Soon, hopefully… :)

Anyways, recently I started getting very miffed that a lot of movies seemed to often portray God as a janitor or handyman  (Bruce Almighty, The Fall…etc) and I really got flipping upset! I mean how could they? The Almighty Omnipotent King of Kings? Creator of the whole universe? Naa! It simply didn't gel with my revering heart.

As I struggled with that stereotype in my mind, I asked aloud for the umpteenth time…. “Why must God always be portrayed as a Janitor?” and this time I got an answer;

“He has ALL the Keys”  my dear husband said from somewhere behind me! And it clicked! God is indeed the janitor of our life! How could I have missed that?!

Days after mulling repeatedly over this new revelation, I knew I just had to share this. Lives will be touched hopefully… :)

“A Janitor is said to be ‘a caretaker or doorkeeper of a building”. Synonyms are listed as caretaker, custodian, porter, concierge, steward, warden, watchman, cleaner, maintenance man, superintendent, (I kinda love the sound of that... :)

So what has that got to do with God you may ask? I could go on and on if you let me, but here are just a few points:

- The Janitor works behind the scenes: so how many times do you run into the Janitor? Yet He does clean up after you. Sometimes we leave things in disarray, intuitively knowing that the Janitor would sort it and He does! That’s how God is to us. We don’t see Him, yet we feel Him. Sometimes we do stuff, knowing He will just sort us out and He does all the time, when we put all our trust in Him

- The Janitor shows up only when he’s truly needed: so does the Janitor have a desk in the front office? Or is he in the office next door? Come to think of it, where exactly does he hang out when he’s not working? But He’s just a call away right? Just like our Father in Heaven. All we just need to do is call unto Him, ask Him, cry to Him and He shows up when He’s indeed needed.

- The Janitor our cleaner: Yes indeed. He cleans up after all our messes, he takes out our trash, and he puts everything in disarray back in place. In fact sometimes we leave a stray piece of paper, just because at the back of our mind we know the Janitor is gonna clean up after us. That’s just the way God takes care of us, whether or not we’re aware. Remember that fib you told and got away with? Remember that speeding ticket you were supposed to get but got off with barely a smile? Remember the gas cooker you left on all day and your house didn't go up in flames? Remember all those little or not so little near misses? Remember the car that took an extra five minutes to start and just because of that you missed that accident? Remember that cut you didn't actually take care of that healed anyway? Remember that raise you didn't actually work for? Think about all the seemingly ‘lucky’ happenings? The list is endless!

- The Janitor Has All the Keys: so you lost your keys and can’t get in? He’s got all the spares! Can’t you just remember that large ring that has sooo many keys? Lol! And He always knows which fits which door! Just like our dear God. He holds all the keys to our life’s issues! Imagine losing your keys and all you had to do was call the Janitor to bring his key rings, wait for Him to arrive and open the door with just the right key at one try? If only we would just quit stressing ourselves and simply call on God and wait for Him to surely bring the right keys (if only waiting was easy :)

- The Janitor Sees All: of course He does! He has the keys to every room right? Even the rest rooms and the drawers especially and He is in there even when we are not! In fact He better cleans when we are not there to get in the way! That’s our God. He sees and knows all. Even those things we think we do in secret are all so clear to Him. Yet He still loves us and His mercy transcends all. Just try Him and you’d see!

- The Janitor the Superintendent: doesn't that give a warm feeling? A Superintendent! That’s like some Uniformed Military General with strong able arms to protect us from all danger! An Administrator, An Overseer. In charge of everything! To sort out the issues of our lives for us! Isn't that wonderful? God has indeed got our back in all things, how about just committing to Him.

- The Janitor we never remember to thank: hmm, sore point there. So with all the things the janitor does for us, cleans, maintains, takes out our trash, makes sure broken stuff is fixed, among a million other things, how many times have we said a little thank you? Or even given him as little as a thank you smile? Minimally paid (usually the least paid) yet he keeps at his job without fail. That is our God. He does so much for us yet we don’t ever remember to say thank you. He saved us in exchange for His son, yet we take Him for granted. He watches over us, He provides for us, His Love, His Mercy matchless in Heaven and the Earth, yet our non gratitude doesn't stop Him.

It’s never too late though. His arms are ever open and He is always ready to help, regardless. So, how about that long overdue whisper of thanks to the Superintendent of the Whole Universe, at least you have the privilege of reading this… :) 

Keep Soaring as High as U dare, for You are a gem, intricately woven by God.... :) 

Saturday 21 September 2013

Rain Rhythms!

Joel 2:23-24 (adapted) 'I am glad and I rejoice in the Lord my God, for He has given me the early rains for my cleansing, vindication and restoration; He has poured down for me abundant rain, the early and the latter rain, faithfully. My threshing floors are full of grains, my cisterns are overflowing with new wine and oil...

Hi dears. I trust you had a lovely week. So what happened? Victories? Joys? Successes? Or even disappointments? Not to worry. The steadfast love of the Lord for us is new every morning! It’s a beautiful new day! Another chance to do better, make a change, try again!

And that brings me to my ramblings today…. :)

For some time now, I had been struggling with being disciplined at my half hearted efforts to lose a few pounds and of course take more responsibility for my health and trust me; I had enough excuses to discourage even a tsunami! Lol! After a while, and much push from my darling friendsis ‘TeeOw’, I decided to start with little steps.

First, I reduced fizzy drinks, gradually replacing with water and green tea (not easy I must tell ya! I love coca cola!.. :(  I also started making little changes in my food choices, like adding more fruits and veggies and reducing my intake of pastries (still struggling to resist my dear ‘TeeOw’s red velvet cake though…ooh that cake is decadent!…;)

The need for exercise in addition cannot be overemphasized, but there never seems to be time! There’s even this dance class I've wanted to join but I can’t seem to get around to that either, whew! I then decided to start taking walks whenever I can; starting with little steps right?

So this glorious Saturday, I wake up with renewed verve and vigor and with determination, I set off. It was a beautiful clear and cool morning. I can do this, I said to myself. As I went on, I saw fellow ‘walkers’...and I became more encouraged. With more confidence, I decided to walk a bit further than I normally would.10, 20, 30 minutes, I walked further away from the house. I was enjoying this, I thought to myself. I could walk kilometers! And then out of the blues, I notice clouds gathering! It was going to rain! And heavily too! What would I do? There was no way I could get back home before the rain started, not even if I ran. Do I take a taxi? No. That would spoil all the effort I had made that morning.

After much thought, (jeez I think too much!....*rolling eyes*) I decided to keep walking back home, hoping the rain would wait for me to get home….hehehe! Of course it didn't and in no time it was pouring in torrents! People around me made a dash for shelter and I considered doing so, but then something checked me and I heard my little girl voice... ‘ It’s not going to hurt if you walk in the rain right? How about letting go for once’! And something just snapped in me and I kept on in the rain!

You see, I hardly ever do anything on the spur of the moment, well not since I was quite younger. I now just had to analyze and over analyze everything!  Spoils the fun sometimes I tell you. So you can imagine how I had debated in my mind. Walk in the rain? Are you crazy? What would people say? You will catch a chill! You are too old for this, bla! bla! bla!

Well, I quelled the voices in me. And I’m glad I did. The rain came down even more heavily and soon I was the only one left walking. Gradually I felt all self consciousness fade away. I felt like a little girl again and my mind went down memory lane, when we had absolutely no worries. It was exhilarating. It was cleansing. It felt surreal. It was as though the rain washed away all my inhibitions, all my fears! I felt like I could conquer the world! Music blasting from my ear phones, I felt my body sway to the rhythm. I had been set free! I felt renewed, refreshed. A new lease of life. I had not felt like this in years!

Then it dawned on me. I had piled on too many things on my mind. I had sacrificed so much of me for my husband, children, career as well as so many other things. I had forgotten how it was to just be and experience! I had neglected me! The most important part of the equation.

Of course it’s not bad to give attention to the important thing s like family, friends and career. But when last have you done anything just for yourself? That vacation? That spa pamper session? That pair of shoes? That dance class? Or just being alone by yourself  for a few minutes without bothering about anything or anyone else! It doesn't mean you’re selfish. If life stopped for you right now, all other things would continue! Then what?!

That doesn't mean you should go overboard either. There definitely should be moderation.  A car that starts off with a full tank has to stop at some point to refuel and recoup, same as if it doesn't stop to refuel, it would definitely run out at some point and be forced to stop whether it likes it or not!

You don’t wanna be forced to stop yea? So how about pausing a bit to refuel and recoup?

Keep Soaring as High as U dare, for You are a gem, intricately woven by God.... :)

Wednesday 11 September 2013

“HE Will Never Leave Nor Forsake Us”

Psalm 68:19 (NET) The Lord deserves praise! Day after day he carries our burden, the God who delivers us.

For several weeks I have been unable to write anything. Each time I pick myself up to do so, I just hit a mind block and can’t go further.

Why you may ask?

Well, I’d tell you. I've been through a terribly traumatic past few weeks.  

Not trying to be dramatic, but something terribly terrible happened to me! Pardon me, I may not be able to tell you exactly what it is yet, but I’d tell you that incident was the worst I had ever experienced in my life apart from the loss of a loved one and the death sentence I got from a doctor years ago (will tell you those sometime later)

So this glorious wonderful day, I wake up as usual, going about my business, not knowing that the devil had plans, absolutely out of my control, but for God! Who refused to forsake me!

What could it be you may ask? A robbery? A death? A murder? Infidelity? Job loss? Illness? What?! Is there ever anything new under the sun? Well, there’s absolutely nothing new under the sun, but for someone like me, it was a catastrophe!

To better understand why I’m going on about this, let me tell you a little more about myself. I’m a young lady whom God has been so gracious and merciful to. Through my growing up years, I have experienced so much that has shaped me into what I am today. I’m very principled, and I live by some set of quite stringent rules (wonder who drew up those rules?!) and I find it very difficult to forgive myself when I don’t meet up! Integrity and truth is my pride! So when something bad or out of character happens, though possibly not a fault of mine, I take full ownership (which is not always a good thing) and take position as Jury, Prosecutor and Judge to convict myself, singlehandedly!

I guess you now understand, why taking things in stride was just so difficult, even though there was absolutely nothing I could have done at that moment to stop the mishap.

Well, maybe I could have controlled my emotions, maybe I could have trusted God more, after all He’d always been there watching over me and all that concerns me. Maybe I should have stayed home, maybe I should have gone earlier? Maybe I overreacted? Maybe? Maybe? Maybe?  I would never know. But one thing I know for sure is that, it could have been worse, but God turned everything around for good.

It’s been several weeks now. I’ve been through hell and high water. I've been to the deepest doldrums ever imagined, and I’ve been tried and convicted and sentenced (in my mind!), but one thing remains sure, God has been by my side all along, helping me through this patch and renewing me again for His Glory.

Have you been through any challenges lately? Do you blame yourself? Is there something you felt you could have done better? Or something you could have done different? Do you think it’s the end of the world (believe me it’s not!) or do you think you can no longer go on? (I bet you are stronger than that!)

You see, if I told you the story of my life (which I’m going to anyway), you would know that God is indeed faithful, and there’s absolutely nothing He can’t do, when we commit ALL to Him! Absolutely!

The bible also says in 1st Corinthians 10:13 that “No trial has overtaken you that is not faced by others. And God is faithful: He will not let you be tried beyond what you are able to bear, but with the trial will also provide a way out so that you may be able to endure it”

I am better now, I’m moving on, everything almost like a distant memory, not because I’m super human but because I've learnt to trust implicitly in God and cast all my burdens unto Him.

Does it all look gloomy at your end? Sounds clichéd, but when there is life there is definitely hope! There’s a reason why the clock starts all over again every day. God’s Love daily keeps us and His Glorious Love for us is refreshed every new day (Lamentations 3: 22-23) and God strengthens all who hope in Him (Psalm 31:34).

Believe me, Life’s journey is so much more awesome, God with us.

Keep Soaring as High as U dare, for You are a gem, intricately woven by God.... :)

Saturday 6 July 2013

Half Year Check....ReStrategising....

…….Daniel 2: 21 He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding

…….Proverbs 3:5-6 (Abridged) I Trust in the Lord with all my heart, and I lean not on my own understanding; In all my ways I acknowledge Him, and He directs my paths….

Time Sure Flies! I can’t believe it’s been a month since my last post! Where on earth did time go? Wasn't it just a few days ago that we ushered in 2013? It can’t be half year yet! There’s still so much to do!

You can’t keep rushing off like that 2013! What about the plans we made together? The places we planned to visit? The people we planned to call/visit? The Business we planned to start? The loads of money we planned to make? The weight we planned to lose? *wink*wink*….LOL!

Ok, so now we are in July, and my to do list is yet to move an inch. In fact, I’m still thinking of how to go about number 1 on the list! Whew! I’m sure you feel me.

Are we on the same page? Still battling to achieve number 1? Or you may have managed to get to number 3 on your list? Or probably at its end? Or maybe you don’t even have a list, but decided to take one day at a time? The fact is, no matter how many lists we make or how many plans we have; it’s never too late to begin!

May I ask a few questions? Who set these time limits we adhere to? On whose standards have we prepared this list of ours? Who decided what’s to come first or last?  Who says it is too late to start on our list? Who says 12 months is enough to even finish number 1 on our list!

Maybe I should have done this? Maybe I shouldn't have said that? If only I had money, I would have started that business? If only I had a first class, maybe I would have landed a better job! If only I had not turned him down, I would have been married by now....if only…if only…..

Stop right there! You need to stop badgering yourself! (Yes! You! You need to stop badgering yourself!...Lol!)

I’m yet to get halfway on my list and the year is almost over so what? That doesn't mean I’m a failure. I may have procrastinated a bit, but then, there’s a reason for cycles. Be it a 24 hour day? A 7 day week? A 4 week month? A 3 month Quarter? A 6 month half year?..... I always have another chance to begin again! (Even though that’s not reason not to get up and go when need be)

What next then?

I’m dusting my list and going back to God (yes, the one who created me and knows my life script!) It’s definitely impossible to go on life’s journey without going to Him first! And believe me; you’d rather want to start with Him. It makes the journey smoother I dare say. Not without bumps though, but with pointers on how to navigate them better!

Come to think of it? That may have been the reason for all the stops, delays and detours! Didn't ask God, the way maker for directions right? Well, It’s never too late you know. He made us. He knows all. He is in our thoughts to the very core of our beings. He is the Almighty God! He is ALL in ALL. No matter what stage of stock taking we are in, now is the next time to start all over again with Him. He sees, hears, knows and can do everything anyway, so who better to direct us on Life’s awesome journey?

Dear God, Yes I drew up that “to do” list without first deferring to you. Yes I embarked on that Business without first asking you! Yes I started that project without first seeking your face! Yes I started dating him/her without asking you first (**rolling eyes**……***big grin***). Yes I compromised (a trifle little…*covering my face**!) just because I wanted to keep my job! Yes! I almost want to strangle him/her anytime our paths cross; I mean can anybody be more annoying?! And yes I……em can we quit listing them all? You know everything anyway.

So, Dear Merciful Father in Heaven, I come back again to you, with a contrite spirit and a willing heart I’m sorry Abba Father, can we start again? At least one new cycle begins today! A new day perhaps? Or even a new half year! What should be number 1 on my list? Seeking your direction in all things? Check!

How about that million pounds and that pamper holiday in the Bahamas? Can I have it now?....Lol!

It’s never too late to start again. Just Trust, Believe and Go! (I sure need to hear that more than anyone…Lol!)

Keep Soaring as High as U dare, for You are a gem, intricately woven by God.... :)

Sunday 9 June 2013

I Got the POWER!

......Philippians 4:13: "I Can do all things through Christ Who Strengthens Me"

Hello Everyone, I Pray all is well with you.

How was your week? and the weekend? Hope You managed to get some rest? 

For me, rest was quite elusive. After attending an all night praise, worship and prayer programme on Friday till the early hours of Saturday, barely having 2 hours to take a nap, and having to jump out of bed afterwards, to attend a development talk, taking my kids to a birthday party, Church on Sunday among other things and of course rushing off to my 9-5 tomorrow, Monday (more like 8am to 7pm..**sigh**), then God help me!

My first blog post was on Friday, 3 days ago. Since then I'v still been trying to figure out why I started this blog, and believe me till this moment, I'm no closer to an answer. In fact a few minutes ago I said excitedly to my Husband that I was about to start writing my next post. He asked me what my blog was about and I simply couldn't respond!

What I do know however, is that this is for a purpose. As I said in my last post it took me ages to take up the courage to even start in the first place! And now that I'v begun, I feel so much excitement simmering within me (with some trepidation I must say! Lol!) This is really going to be exciting! So much to learn from one another so much to share. A true discovery journey.

Another thing I need say also is that I'm more inclined towards the Female folk :) . Don't blame me though, after all I am Female. But the male folk are also welcome. We can learn a lot from each other.

Today, I'm inclined to share a post from a friend's face book page that inspired and touched me:  

"The actor, Sylvester Stallone was once so broke and homeless. He slept on the New York streets and bus stations with his dear dog. Unable to feed the dog and to survive, he had to sell the dog at a liquor store, to a stranger. Sadly, with tears in his eyes, he sold it at $25 only. That night he stayed up crying.

One day, after watching a Muhammed Ali fight, it inspired him to write a movie script called “Rocky”. Hungry and tired, he stayed awake dripping sweat; blood and tears for days just to finish it up. It was a fantastic script!

He tried to sell the script and got an offer for $125,000 for the script. But he had just ONE REQUEST. He wanted to STAR in the movie. He wanted to be the MAIN ACTOR, Rocky. But the studio said NO.

They wanted a REAL STAR. They said he "Looked scraggy and talked funny". Even though hungry, he left with his script.

After a while, the studio agreed knowing that he won't compromise, they gave him $35,000 for the script and allowed him to star in it! 

The movie Rocky shook Hollywood, the Oscar Awards and was even inducted as one of the greatest movies ever! And do you know the first thing he bought with the $35,000? 

The Dog. This is a story of persistence, loyalty and dreams.

I can relate to this story for I have been in such position. In the heat of a lot of needs, I couldn't explain to my family why I kept turning down employment jobs as a fresh graduate to start a business at zero capital. I was either stupid or I knew what I had and wanted. Today, businesses grow by depending on our business.To grow, I've realized that diamonds come from pressure, its gem comes from friction. The harder the life, the stronger you'll become. The stronger you become, the easier the life will be. Keep going, further ahead" .

The fact is, as humans, we can do anything we purpose in our hearts. The first thing is we must determine that we can, secondly, we must commit and persevere, third, we must realize that it's only a matter of time and there will be a shift (whether for the better or otherwise it's up to us!) and of course most importantly we must commit all to our creator, God Almighty, for strength, wisdom and direction. He is all in all afterall and He has empowered us thus!

I don't claim that I'm all that yet, neither am I as pushy as I would have liked, not at all, but lately, I'v realized that If I don't make a move, a step at a time regardless, nothing will shift! 

Will you promise yourself that you will take that micro step today? Have a Blessed week ahead and....

Keep Soaring as High as U dare..for You are a gem, intricately woven by God.... :)

Credits: The Holy Bible: New King James Version 

Friday 7 June 2013

One BIG Step!

So, finally I take the bold step......***sigh****. 

Not that I'm fully convinced though. I mean, for all this time that I've had the  frights about  starting my very own bog .... it can't be that easy to simply swim the tide now can it? In fact, I'm still wondering if this is good idea. 

A blog? Splattering my thoughts out there for everyone to  read?!  What would I write? What do I know? What if no one is interested in whatever gibberish I have to  say?  What if?......what if?!........I can feel the goosebumps all over me at the mere thought...almost like a horror movie!..Lol!.

Countless questions, almost no answers........hmmmmm

Well, regardless though, I'm grabbing the bull by the horns. No matter how long the night may be, daylight must surely show up, right? So, here  I am, in your face, doing one of the things I dread most...starting a blog!

What I'm going to blog about? Sincerely I don't have a clue. So we're just going to take one post at a time, yes? God help me.

This is indeed going to be an interesting discovery journey. For me anyway......wanna join in the ride?.....;)

...........Yes, I'm a gem, 
Intricately Woven by God....(and so are you).... :)