Wednesday 20 May 2015

A Little Seed today, An Acorn Tomorrow…….

Hello dearies, how are you all doing?

Hmmm, where do I begin my apologies this time? Where do I start from? Hmmm again! (Self badgering continues …... hehehe)

I know I am beginning to sound like a broken record, but seriously? I AM SORRY! Sorry I haven’t posted, yet again, in ages! Really! I have got to stop making a habit of this oh. Saying sorry? Not delivering on my promise? Badgering myself? Whew! Somehow, all three has rolled into one!

Since my last post in August, (yes August 2014!) I have had several calls, hints, bb messages, intimidating stare downs by my accountability partners to update my blog to no avail! (SistaB and Husby! *wink *wink! Lolz). I just could not find the time or energy. Hectic work schedule, family commitments, and biggest of all, self doubt all contributed to my not being able to. In fact at a point, I convinced myself that I might as well not bother cracking my head to write anymore, after all, how many people read the blog anyway? I might as well just forget it.

Boy! Was I so wrong!

So, there I was at this wedding and a sis who just gave birth and I hadn’t got around to visit (oh my life!) walked up to me to say hello and promptly introduced her new baby! The guilt piled on! I could almost sink into the ground in shame!  Trust the Holy Spirit to use HIS own awesome ways to bring us back on track J  Of course all the frenzy going on in my mind didn't show on my face. I said a quick hello and a hug and was about to sneak away when….

Sista E:  “Hello Sista D” (she said) “It’s been a while we read from you oh? What’s happening?” (oh my, I thought in my head!)

Me:        “So sorry Sis, its been so hectic! I have barely had time. In fact, I’m considering giving up on the blog jare, it’s giving me too much stress.

Sista E:  “Ha! Don’t give up oh! You have to continue writing. Your write ups touches and encourages a lot of people. Myself especially, and I look forward to it all the time!

Me:        “Really”? (I asked in doubt and surprise)

Sista E:  “Really. Please don’t stop. I am being blessed as I’m sure so many others are

Ha! I was sincerely short of words!

“You see”? Whispered the Holy Spirit …. (Seriously, sometimes I wish the Holy Spirit would drag and scream at me rather than whisper! Lolz!)

People had actually been reading? Being blessed by my seemingly unimportant jabber? Nah! It can’t be! 

Well, apparently it seemed so!

We sometimes drift through our days, go about our daily routines, sometimes half heartedly, but then we do not know, the eyes watching, the ears listening! We take some actions, write a note, make a call, post on face book and we don’t know whose life is being touched, encouraged or saved!

I am here to encourage us today J (Yes myself most!) We gotta keep keeping on! There is indeed an audience (so be sure you are living a positively impacting life!)

It may seem like we are not being rewarded or applauded accordingly, but the fact is that Heaven is Happy (the most important audience I dare say) so “whatever our hands find to do, we should endeavor to do well oh! (Colossians 3:23; Ecclesiastes 9:10)

I guess this means y’all see me more often? lolz! Yes, definitely, God my eternal strength.

Mmuah! Stay Encompassed and Cocooned in God's Awesome Love!

Blessings! J